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f(x) Electric Shock & Iklan Susu Zee

Pasti gak asing kan sama Iklan Susu Zee yang dibintangi sama Brandon? nah, mungkin bagi anak KPopers, gak ada "apa apa" saat melihat iklan ini, bagi anak anak KPopers, apa lagi aff(x)tion, pasti tau dong ada yang entah hampir sama, entah memang sama(?) hehe.
Coba deh puter dua video itu, pasti ada yang ganjil. Apa kira kira? udahlah coba tebak.
Background(?) atau tempat studionya(?) yap! itu dia, di MV f(x), tempat studio dance yang dominasi warna ungu-pink, persis seperti Iklan Susu Zee-nya Brandon, hampir gak bisa di bedakan(?)
Sebetulnya aku udah nyadar lama, sejak pertama kali lihat Iklan Susu Zee ini, entah itu kapan aku juga lupa, pokonya udah lama, tapi rada' gak lama lama amat hehe, belum nyampe setengah tahun(?) nah pas lihat iklan itu, aku mikir kok kayaknya pernah lihat studio dance yang dominasi warna ungu-pink gitu, gak asing lah pokoknya, setelah aku ingat ingat, ternyata persis banget seperti MV f(x) yang Electric Shock! wow tentu aku shock seperti lagunya f(x) #abaikan #justkidding.
Nah menurut kalian gimana? Sama nggak? sama ajalah, menurutku persis banget sih~ bukan berarti aku ngebash Iklan Susu Zee maupun MV f(x) lho ya, menurut pendapatku sih, itu studionya sama persis deh, ini ciyus loh #abaikan. 

f(x) - Electric Shock

Iklan Susu Zee (Brandon)

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Special Girls♥

About 스페셜 걸스♥

Fans Name : Speciality
Date of Birth : 16 September 2011
Entertainment : ADDHameda 
Official Colour : Sylver
Official Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/specialgirls1609

Member (6) :

Debora Israelia (이은림)

Position : Leader, Main raper, Main vocal
Date of Birth : Kediri, 16 October 1997 
Fans Name : Debsie 
Blood Type : O
Twitter : https://twitter.com/deby_kyu
Blog : http://debby-kim.blogspot.com/
Motto : "Believe I have talent"

Dinda Desita Antari (박민태)

Position : Vocalist
Date of Birth : Surabaya, 5 December 1997
Fans Name : -
Blood Type : O
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Dinda_desita
Blog : http://dindalee97.blogspot.com/

Annisa Hanako (한찬기)

Position : Vocalist, Visual
Date of Birth : Yokohama, 23 February 1998
Fans Name : -
Blood Type : A
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hanko98
Blog : http://hankochan98.blogspot.com/
Wordpress : http://hankochan98.wordpress.com/
Motto : "Keep positive thinking and smile"

                         Mela Adi Prasiska (김민아)

Position : Lead dancer, Lead rapper
Date of Birth : Surabaya, 7 April 1998
Fans Name : -
Blood Type : B
Twitter : https://twitter.com/kimminah4798
Blog : http://kimminah4798.blogspot.com/
Motto : "While still alive, keep working hard, don't want to despair, tireless, and don't want your future hindered by others"

Adjeng Yalastri Atha Nafilah (안정아)

Position : Main dancer, Vocalist
Date of Birth : Surabaya, 4 November 1998
Fans Name : -
Blood Type : B
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AdjengAtha
Blog : http://adjengyalastri.blogspot.com/

Hilda Yusnia (신민라)                    

Position : Lead vocal, Main dancer, Magnae
Date of Birth : Surabaya, 7 November 1998
Fans Name : Minraise
Blood Type : O
Twitter : https://twitter.com/hildaysn
Blog : http://hildayusnia98.blogspot.com/
Motto : "Don't be afraid for 'the future', but do the best 'now'"

(Why so serious? it's JUST FOR FUN! oke? XD)

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Quotes ^^

  1. No matter how difficult and hard something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot -Chanyeol,EXO
  2. My free-spirited nature is my strong point -Hara,KARA
  3. We are living not as one person,but as a family -Changmin,TVXQ
  4. People’s advice on our weaknesses can be a way for us to improve -Hyuna,4minute
  5. Fight for the right to be you -Tablo,Epik High
  6. Everything is possible if you try enough. so if something doesn't work out, you're not trying enough -Nickhun,2PM
  7. Take care of the most important people around you -Inati,Dalmatian
  8. I found out that family can give you the most support and comfort when you sad -Kyuhyun,SJ
  9. I want to be a person crazy about music -Minzy,2NE1
  10. I'm not slow, I'm just waiting -CNU,B1A4
  11. Age doesn't matter when the heart is set -Sungjong,INFINITE
  12. The solution is with me. I can't give my key to anyone. If I know the answer, shouldn't I take care of it? -Minzy,2NE1
  13. People don’t smile because they’re happy, they’re happy because they smile… -Donghae, SJ
  14. So, even I'm tired I have to pretend that everything is okay -Leeteuk,SJ
  15. People cry not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long -Changmin,TVXQ
  16. There is no shorcut in life -Kyuhyun,SJ
  17. These days I'm in charge of cuteness. Because I felt like I should do something -Doojoon,B2ST
  18. The Butterfly went to heaven and became a butterfly necktie -Onew,SHINee
  19. Life is.. a happiness. Happiness is.. the fact that I can do something right now -Donghae, SJ
  20. If you worked hard, then everything will be fine -Taemin,SHINee
  21. You keep your head up and keep an open mind -Jaejoong,TVXQ/JYJ
  22. If you don't give up your hopes and dreams, then there will always be a good ending -Minho,SHINee
  23. Since everything is connected, everything will be alright, right? -Jaejoong,TVXQ/JYJ
  24. I've always been strong, not because I was born this way but because I had to be strong -Yunho,TVXQ
  25. You should also know that I get hurt watching other celebrities being attacked -Heechul,SJ
  26. There is nothing impossible for me in this world -Tao,EXO
  27. I’m of the style to work hard, even for small things -Suho,EXO
  28. Peace activists.. Sometimes you have to fight for peace. -Junhyung,B2ST
  29. People who challenge themselves are beautiful. You can make it. Fighting! -Yoseob,B2ST
  30. I honestly can’t imagine my life any other way. I love what I do! -BoA
  31. In my prayers I always sincerely wish for our dear families to dwell in the Lord -Siwon,SJ
  32. I think we are very stable right now, because we started from scratch with a solid -Seulong,2AM
  33. Just do the best you can -Kim Joon,T-Max
  34. Facts, peace, and forgiveness, are things we need to achieve world peace -Kyujong,SS501
  35. Although there are many plans in a loving heart,but only God’s will is sufficiently established -Eunhyuk, SJ 
  36. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they're always there.
  37. Few friendships would survive if each one knew what his friend says of him behind his back -Blaise Pascal
  38. Love is blind, Friendship closes its eyes.
  39. I've always said that in politics, your enemies can't hurt you, but your friends will kill you. -Ann Richards
  40. All love that has not friendship for its base, Is like a mansion built upon the sand. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox 
  41. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. -Elbert Hubbard
  42. If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh. -P.C. Cast
  43. The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away. -Barbara Kingsolver
  44. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. -Mother Teresa
  45. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. -William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
  46. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. -Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember
  47. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. -Dr. Seuss
  48. If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there -George Harrison
  49. A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. - Bernard Meltzer.
  50. Everything you can imagine is real. -Pablo Picasso

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Kpopers dimata Psikolog?

Seorang psikolog pernah mengatakan:

Jangan pernah meremehkan anak-anak yang mencintai/mengagumi selebriti Korea. karna hati mereka lebih murni, hangat daripada orang lain. Mereka tulus mencintai artis tersebut. mereka berteman dengan orang yang memiliki ketertarikan yang sama walaupun berbeda kota, umur, negara. Mereka tidak mendiskriminasi orang berdasarkan ras. Mereka berusaha mengatasi perbedaan bahasa dan budaya. Mereka adalah orang yang tidak mudah menyerah, gigih dan tidak menghianati orang yang mereka sukai.

Menurut investigasi, ketika mereka mencintai memuja selebriti korea mereka mengalami hal yang tak pernah dialami sebelumnya. Mereka memahami makna dari bersyukur. Hati mereka menjadi lebih sensitive dari pada sebelumnya. Mereka menjadi lebih peduli terhadap orang lain. mereka adalah orang-orang yang mudah tersentuh. Cara berpikir merekapun berbeda dengan orang lain. mereka adalah tipe orang-orang yang tidak mudah terpengaruh cinta, mereka juga termasuk orang-orang yang tidak pernah berpikir melakukan hal-hal buruk. Karena kriteria mereka saat mencari pasangan sangat tinggi. Menurut mereka kepribadian seseorang jauh lebih penting dari pada penampilan seseorang.

Mereka juga termasuk orang-orang yang memiliki memori kuat dan baik. Mereka dengan mudahnya menyerap lyric lagu korea yang tidak mereka mengerti. Mereka adalah orang-orang ceria yang memiliki kemampuan koordinasi sangat tinggi. Memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk membeli sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan selebriti yang mereka sukai. Singkatnya, cara berpikir anak-anak ini sangat berbeda dari orang lain, dan pikiran mereka tidak mudah untuk dipahami. Umumnya, hanya mereka yang memiliki ketertarikan yang sama yang mampu memasuki dunia mereka.

source: http://sjforindonesia.wordpress.com/2011/12/24/kpopers-dimata-psikolog/
source picture : @kpopfactsINDO

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Let me introduce my self :p

Hello everyone! haha, perkenalkan namaku Annisa Hanako, biasa dipanggil Hanako (maaf aku bukan hantu penjaga toilet di Jepang -_-) 98line, sekarang masih kelas 9, tahun ini InsyaAllah kelas 10, tahun depan kelas 11 dan seterusnya #lolabaikan sebenarnya tujuanku buat blog ini, cuma buat ngerjain tugas dari guru TIK, untuk Pak Bambang tercinta~ lol. Tapi mungkin aku kembangkan lagi menjadi apa entah itu aku juga gak tau(?), mungkin curhatan gak jelas(?).Err.. mungkin nantinya di blog ini, aku menulis hal yg berbau fandomku, fandomku ada dua (bisa dibilang multifandom? hehe), ELF dan EXOSTAN / EXOTIC (buat anak ELF yg gak suka EXO, maupun sebaliknya, mohon maaf ya ^^) hehe, oh iya jangan lupa, saya tunangan sahnya Lee Donghae #ditabokelfishy dan pacar sahnya Park Chanyeol #digamparpryomaniac jangan ada yang protes ye, kalau protes, kasian Donghae sama Chanyeol nanti :c  #kaburYa mungkin segitu dulu, aku gak pinter nulis banyak hehe, biasa males(?) salam kenal semua~ *gandeng tangan Donghae & Chanyeol*

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